In My Kitchen – October 2013

Doing Celia’s IMK posts are always such fun and also serve as a reminder of how quickly the year passes by.  Winter seems to be a distant memory now and Spring leading into Summer is a very happy time.

In my kitchen…

Is the newest edition to our family – a Nespresso coffee machine.  Coffee takes on a whole new meaning with this fancy machine – if it’s good enough for George Clooney, well then it’s good enough for us. 😀 We are busy working our way through the various coffees to decide which are our favourite so we can order just those.  Seems just after we bought our machine and phoned to register it, there are 5 new coffees which we missed out on.  So in total there are 21 coffee blends to enjoy.


In my kitchen…

Are my new teabag and teaspoon holders which sit on my tea tray at the kettle.  There was absolutely nothing wrong with my others, I just felt like a wee change and all it cost me was reaching into the back of a cupboard.

Teabag spoon rest

In my kitchen…

Is the nuniest gift from Pete’s nephew Simon and his lovely wife Elaine.  They know all too well how cat crazy I am and I am in love with this little hanging kitty who is currently keeping my arum lilies company.  Isn’t he just too adorable!

Hanging kitty

In my kitchen…

Is another gift from Simon and Elaine.  I forgot to share this adorable tea towel with you months ago – oops!

Kitty tea towel

In my kitchen…

Are two watering frogs.  You pop them into an indoor pot plant and fill them with water and they slowly release water into the soil, all the while looking cute.

Watering frogs

In my kitchen…

Finally, something food related – is a jar of tomato jam which Pete and I bought in Graaf Reinet on our drive home from Johannesburg last month.  We also bought the best lamb chops I have ever eaten.  I was so impressed with the chops I phoned the owner of the butchery the following morning to thank him.

Tomato Jam

What’s in your kitchen this month?  Please remember to link back to Celia’s blog Fig Jam and Lime Cordial if you partake in the fun.

66 thoughts on “In My Kitchen – October 2013

  1. You’ve reminded me to buy tea bag holders. My husband is notorious for leaving them around the house and it drives me mental!! Love the idea of slow release water drippers, how great are they?!! Great IMK post Mandy, thanks for the tour xx

    • I have been contemplating asking Pete’s nephew where he got the hanging cat so I can get more. 😀 The butcher has promised that when he passes our way he will gladly bring more for me – how awesome is that! Have a happy day Charlie. 🙂 xo

  2. There’s something very special about getting a really good piece of meat, isn’t there? I bet the butchers appreciated your phone call! Your hanging cat is adorable, and my Pete will laugh – he grew up with Burmese cats, and they were always getting into brown paper bags for some reason! Enjoy your Nespresso, but be warned, I’ve known friends who’ve ended up with cupboards full of pods! 😀

    • Even better is a good piece of meat at a good price, just as these chops were. I hope we don’t land up with cupboards full of pods Celia. Guess a good way is to go through the process of finding out which are our favourites and only buying those. Pete loves his coffee so reckon we should be okay. Have a super day and looking forward to the other IMK instalments. 🙂 xo

  3. We saw a Tassimo machine in France (on our way back from Poland) and ordred one off ebay. My husband got so impatient (it was a little delayed!) he bought one on his way home from work! So now we have one in the kitchen and one in his office! We are slowly working our way through the flavours (coffee – but also hot chocolate and tea)…..and love it (them!).

    • Hi Jacqui, thanks for stopping by. I guess 2 is always better than 1. 😉 How nice that you can make hot chocolate and tea with the Tassimo machine. I’m sure Nespresso isn’t far behind. Have a super day. 🙂

  4. Hanging cats and tea towels- you probably have a collection of cat memorabilia around. I have a whole bunch of teddy bear stuff that people gift me with and I love them although collectibles can take on a life and cupboard of their own!
    Thanks for sharing your kitchen!

    • HI Heidi. You are quite right – I can’t bring myself to use the beautiful tea towels so they do just sit in a cupboard. I really should just use them. Have a super day. 🙂 xo

  5. I love your new blog look! I hope it hasn’t been like this for too long.. that means I haven’t visited in much too long! It’s great to read and has nice big photos:) I love your nespresso.. I’ve been considering purchasing one, I’m a big coffee addict:D xx

    • Hi Smidge. The changes haven’t been around for too long, so please don’t feel bad. It is always a lovely treat to have you visit. In hindsight I think we should have got the Nespresso with the milk frothy attachment thingy, although I can’t warrant the additional cost. Have a beautiful day. 🙂 xo

  6. Very cool coffee machine & it sounds like a lot of fun trying all the different flavors. But oh is that hanging cat adorable! Isn’t it funny how we both mentioned how cats just have to get inside any box you bring in the house, or bags! And there you have a tea towel with a kitty in a bag. I love the idea of the watering frogs too & would love to find something like that for my pots of basil – I’m always forgetting to water them since they’re in the dining room where they’ll get some sun…alas, they also need water & Diane is forgetful.

    • Now you know why I have watering frogs Diane – seems you and I suffer from the same syndrome. 😉 Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could personally bring you a few watering frogs – tell you what I will wait until your renovation is complete and will bring them then. Have a beautiful day. 🙂 xo

  7. My best pals have those coffee machines – I like the purple capsules but so far George Clooney has not showed up for coffee. I will make do with Big Man who is like an XL version of George 🙂 (well, in my eyes, at least!)

    • Aawww, I love that Big Man is your George Clooney <3, that's just the way it should be. Right, I am off to the kitchen to see if there is a purple capsule left – there were a couple of purpleish ones. Have a beautiful day Tanya. 🙂 xo

  8. i need that tomato jam! It looks delicious and so sweet. That is one of my favorite things in the world about food- when people recreate something to use on someting you would never expect. Like tomato jam on a bagel or biscuit or waffles!

  9. I always enjoy the IMK posts, too, sensing as the items are identified that I’m being given gentle clues to know the kitchen’s owners better. What a pleasure! And that tomato jam looks particularly enticing. 😉

    • It is great fun learning more about each other through different mediums, like the IMP posts. I would love to share a few crackers and cheese with you so you can try out the tomato jam. Have a beautiful day Kath. 🙂 xo

  10. A great IMK post, Mandy. Love the hanging cat and I’ve been looking at coffee machines lately, Nespresso being high on my list. I’ve cut back on my coffee consumption and fear that having easy access to really good coffee may reverse any progress I’ve made. Hmmm …
    Have a great week!

    • Hmm, well, lets think… the cost of the pods (in my opinion) are quite high so maybe that could be a helping hand in keeping your consumption down, or not, just a thought. 😉 I won’t mention how fun it is to put the little pod in and watch the coffee pour out the funnel thingy while the aromas hit your nose which quite honestly gives you a little lift -oh hang on, I am supposed to be talking you out of having too much coffee, not the other way around. Great friend I am! Have an awesome week too. 🙂 xo

  11. I’m so torn on the Nespresso machines! I have a 5 year old fully manual delonghi and love the control I have over the coffee I end up with (and I buy whole beans and only grind them just before I make a cup. BUT this comes at the cost of time (about 10 mins end to end if I’m frothing milk too), and incredible mess (it spits water everywhere, I think it needs a service). There are days when I love it to bits, and days where I walk past the Nespresso store and think “gosh, that would just be so easy!” Eh. First world problems 😀

    • Hi Jas – I honestly think Nespresso just got the marketing right and that’s why they sell so well. As much as I love the idea of it all, I think they are very expensive as are the pods of coffee but hey, my Pete enjoys his coffee. 🙂 I also think the coffee could come out a bit hotter – maybe I am doing something wrong, will have to check. Have a super day. 🙂 xo

  12. Mandy, your coffee and tea-related goodies were a great way to start the morning here (thanks, I needed that!) and your dangling kitty is absolutely adorable. Never tried tomato jam, but I bet it’s yummy!

    • Hi TIFFIN, thanks for stopping by. I have subsequently ordered more meat from the butcher which my husband picked up when he drove home last week. Happiness! Have a super weekend. 🙂

    • I love all my kitty “stuff” Ela. Your kitty must be a beautiful specimen. I have all our 3 sleeping around me at the moment and the old girl is even snoring! Have a beautiful day. 🙂 xo

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