Cranberry Muffins

The folks were recently here for a wee visit and brought loads of lovely cranberries with.  Naturally thoughts went down the road of what should we make with all of these lovely red jewels.  One can’t just eat them as is you know.  Mom said she felt like a light spongy muffin and I said I had just the recipe for her.  I was a teensy bit worried as I don’t believe my recipes are as good as Moms.  It turns out Mom loved these muffins – yippee!  So with that kind of approval, you can rest assured they are worth making.

Cranberry Muffins


1 cup cranberries
4 egg whites
110g butter
1 cup sugar
¾ cup milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tsp baking powder
1½ cups cake flour
¼ tsp salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Place the cranberries in a bowl and cover with boiling water.
  3. Beat the egg whites until stiff and set aside.
  4. Cream the butter and sugar.
  5. Add the liquid alternating with the dry ingredients.
  6. Drain the cranberries and add to the mixture.
  7. Fold in the egg whites.
  8. Divide the mixture into 12 prepared muffins tins and bake for 15 minutes.

48 thoughts on “Cranberry Muffins

  1. Your ruby-filled muffins look delicious, Mandy. We’re heading into cranberry season and recipes like this one will be a welcome change from the customary sauces. 🙂

    • These would be even better using fresh cranberries John. I was thinking about making a pasta for dinner this evening – might go with whatever is in the fridge again and see if I can make another taste explosion. Have a super day. 🙂

  2. Hi! The muffins really look delicious! I can relate to your post: my mum is always bringing me fruit from her garden and I always panic because I have to look for new recipes to use up everything [when I don’t give some of it to my friends].

  3. One of my all time favorites…cranberry muffins, and I can see why your mom loved them! I can’t wait until we have fresh cranberries so I can make these…maybe with a teensy bit of orange zest, too. Beautiful muffins. 🙂

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