The Complete Cook Book turns 3

WOW – I cannot believe that 3 years ago on the 14th of April I started this here little blog.  It has been such a fun 3 years and I am looking forward to the next 3.

It wouldn’t be anything though without all of you who take the time to pop in and say hi and follow along.   I have made some wonderful friends the past 3 years and I look forward to the day that I can meet some of you in person.  All I need now is an unlimited supply of cash and I can start travelling the world to meet you all. 🙂

I know my focus the past year hasn’t just been on food but incorporating my new found love; photography and my fur babies and our life here at Sundays River so I should possibly rethink my blog name or possibly amend the tag line but I take comfort in the fact that we we have been together long enough for you to know who I am.

Thank you all for tagging along on with my cyber space journey, I am looking forward to the next year.

With love and appreciation,

🙂 Mandy xo

58 thoughts on “The Complete Cook Book turns 3

  1. Congratulations Mandy, I think your Blog name is perfect, all above ingredients blend in the recipe of your life. I’ll keep coming back, blog on.
    🙂 Laura

  2. Congratulations on turning three. What an achievement. I think everyone’s blog evolves from their very first starting point. I know mine has. And that’s what’s fun about supporting someone along their journey. Looking forward to continuing to share yours xx

  3. Congratulations on your third birthday!! We are the same age 🙂 !!
    It is funny how blogs mature as they age. I concentrate almost as much on my love of photography and food styling as I do on the food itself now too. Your images are always so gorgeous. Love your blog 🙂

  4. Congratulations, Mandy! Getting to know you is part of the reason why I consider blogging to be so rewarding. I cannot wait to see what the next 3 years has in store.

  5. Congratulations and my appreciation to you for such a terrific blog. I know I had a certain idea when I started my blog but then as I made wonderful friends all over the world, I found that there were so many more things I wanted to share. It’s been really fun and interesting hearing from you in all of your posts & I love your FB.

    • Diane, thank you so much for such a beautiful compliment. It is wonderful the friends we have made and what we have learnt about each other. Makes our big world seems smaller which is wonderful. Have a beautiful weekend. 🙂 xo

  6. Congrats on three wonderful years Mandy! I am very happy to have gotten the chance to “meet” you and get to know you. I enjoy reading – recipes, adventures, fur babies and all! 🙂

  7. I know the joy that comes from a blog but also the commitment. So bravo for 3 years of fantastic recipes. I enjoy my regular visits to The Complete Cook Book

  8. A very happy blogiversary and congratulations to you, Mandy dearest! I know full well what a commitment this has been on your part, and I know too that I’m among many who deeply appreciate your efforts. It’s always a joy to come and visit you here.

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