Quick No-Knead Bread

One of my favourite no-knead breads is the Crusty Artisan Bread, a fuss free recipe where you leave the dough to rise for between 8 and 24 hours before baking.  I have made this very moreish bread on a number of occasions to rave reviews and most everybody says it’s the best ciabatta they have eaten.

I then read about a no-knead bread which is ready to go in 2 hours or less over at Eat, Play, Love, which Kristy originally read about over at Five Euro Food and naturally I had to give it a go.

quick no knead bread 1This is a lovely loaf of bread which is a more traditional loaf than the artisan bread.  I made a second round of dough and baked it in 8 mini loaf tins which we enjoyed with friends.  They did however say they thought a bit more salt was needed.  I am very tempted to bake this super easy recipe in a Dutch oven as with the artisan bread and see what the difference is.

Quick no-knead-2

I couldn’t wait so I cut the bread while it was too hot -oops

 Quick No-Knead Bread

As seen on Eat, Play, Love


8g dried yeast – I used instant – it’s all I can get
50ml warm water
400g plain flour – I used unbleached stone ground bread flour
3tsp sugar – I used brown
1tsp salt
250ml warm water


  1. Place the yeast into a small bowl and pour over the 50ml water. Set aside and allow the yeast to activate for approximately 15 minutes.
  2. Combine the flour, sugar and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the centre.  Pour in the activated yeast and the remaining water and mix well until the flour is completely combined. Cover with a cloth and leave in a warm spot to prove for approximately 60 minutes until the dough has doubled in size.
  3. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Dust the dough with a little flour and fold over a few times.  Form the dough and place in a prepared loaf tin. Make cuts into the top of the loaf  and sprinkle on some flour before setting aside in a warm place to rise for approximately 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 230°C.
  5. Bake the bread for 25-30 minutes until the loaf sounds hollow when tapped underneath.
  6. Remove the bread from the tin and allow to cool on a wire rack.

62 thoughts on “Quick No-Knead Bread

  1. Great bread recipe and sorry about the death of your appliance!. I’d like to nominate you for The Liebster Award, if you’d accept. Please see the details on my blog at kalesijablog.wordpress.com. Great stuff!

  2. looks really pretty. I’ve always been curious about the no knead breads, haven’t made any yet. Are they chewy like french bread? I alway fear that the gluten development will be little and that the bread will feel more like a cake, crumbly. What’s your experience with making these breads?

  3. What a perfect loaf of bread Mandy. Look at the texture of that slice…why I’m envisioning it warmed up with a load of melted butter on it.
    Have you ever tried those bread makers where you supposedly just toss all the ingredients in, set it & lift out a loaf of bread? I don’t have one but my neighbor does & he loves it.

    • Diane, I would be ashamed to tell you how much butter I put on each slice of warm bread straight from the oven! It is sinful I tell you but oh so delicious and ever so moreish. 😀
      My aunt has one of those bread machines and she too loves it. She pops all of her ingredients in in the evening in a specific order I believe and wakes up in the morning to a beautifully baked albeit a strange shape loaf of bread – it bakes it in an upright position – so not long and narrow like a traditional loaf. I’m not sure I could warrant the cost of one as I don’t bake bread that often. Guess I could always borrow my aunts. 😉 Have a super day Diane. 🙂 xo

  4. Your bread looks wonderful … all it needs is a generous smear of butter. I’m bookmarking your Crusty Artisan Bread, as Ciabata is my favorite and it is so versatile — dip it in oil or make a sandwich, it works! I better get on it too, because we’re going to need some for turkey sandwiches after Thanksgiving. 🙂

    • Oh absolutely Judy. copious amounts of butter make for a perfect slice of bread. I have made the crusty artisan bread so many times as it is always a hit. I look forward to hearing how you enjoy it with and without your left over turkey. 😀 Have a super day. 🙂 xo

    • I have even taken a bite out of the corner of a hot crispy crust of bread before – almost burnt my lips in the process, so waiting all of a minute to cut into it is quite good for me. 😀 Have a fabulous day Tanya. 🙂 xo

  5. There’s nothing like fresh hot bread…your great pics have my mouth watering…I’ll have to give this recipe a try!

  6. Your loaf looks great, Mandy. It’s got a nice crust and crumb and, like you, I’d love a slice slathered with butter. I made a similar bread when in Michigan last week. I found — and since lost — the recipe on the internet. Mine didn’t rise properly and that’s when I discovered that the yeast I’d purchased that morning was 5 months past the expiration date. Ah, the joys of rural shopping.

    • Oh no, how sad you lost the recipe John. I hope this will be a nice substitute recipe for you. I know the pains you speak of about living and shopping rurally. I have also “killed” yeast before by putting water on it that is too hot. Have a fabulous day. 🙂 xo

    • I’ve never made a sour dough starter either Smidge. Think I shall stick to the easy recipes. I will let you know how it turns out in the Dutch oven. Have a beautiful day and give your precious little pup a snuggle from me. 🙂 xo

  7. I think we should all make this bread or try it at least once! Charles always has great recipes and your trial looks fabulous and perfectly crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside. Yum!

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